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NRD News
There is no doubt in my mind that having living roots growing in the soil for extended periods of time is a key component to improving soil health. This is also the most challenging aspect of improving soil health in our semi-arid environment.Read more
The Upper Big Blue NRD Board of Directors issued a temporary 180-day stay on well drilling in District sub-areas at the April 17th Board Meeting. The stay is immediately in effect. Representatives from the Villages of Dwight and Brainard had expressed concern over the future viability of their...Read more
On April 17 & 18 (Thursday & Friday), from 3:00-5:00pm, the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District will be handing out 10,000 seedling trees to over 100 area school teachers and youth group leaders. The Serviceberry seedlings will then be given to students to take home for Arbor...Read more
J. Sterling Morton, the founder of Arbor Day, proposed to the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture "to set aside one day to plant trees, both forest and fruit." The State Board of Agriculture accepted this resolution in 1872 and the first "Arbor Day" was celebrated with more than 1,000,000 trees...Read more
Hand plant trees previously ordered from the Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District will be available for pick up at the Natural Resources Conservation Service offices in Rushville on April 16 and in Alliance on April 17, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Trees will also be available for pick up on...Read more
After just a few months of advertising, the vacancy on the Nemaha Natural Resources District board of directors was filled during their regular meeting Thursday, April 10. Jim Gerweck from Falls City applied for the opening that occurred following the resignation of Ted Godemann earlier this year...Read more
During a regularly scheduled Board meeting held on April 8, the Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District (UNWNRD) Board heard comments from local irrigators and elected to schedule a second Advisory Committee Meeting before implementing changes to its Ground Water Management Area (GWMA)...Read more
The Central Platte Natural Resources District will hold a public hearing at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 24, 2014. The hearing will be held at the NRD office located at 215 Kaufman Avenue in Grand Island, Nebraska, with the April board meeting following at 2:00 p.m.Read more
In celebration of Arbor Day on Friday, April 25, Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (NRD) will give away free tree seedlings to district residents. In Holdrege, the event will be held at the Tri-Basin NRD office at 1723 Burlington Street and will be hosted by the NRD in conjunction with the...Read more
The Central Platte Natural Resources District's Board of Directors approved updates to the Rules & Regulations for Groundwater Use in Fully & Over Appropriated Areas. The approved changes include: a December 31, 2014 deadline to certify irrigated acres; allowances for limited transfers on...Read more


