
Central Platte NRD Director Ed Kyes Resigns After 25 Years of Service

Central Platte NRD Director Ed Kyes Resigns After 25 Years of Service


GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska – After 25 years of dedicated service and nearly perfect attendance, Central Platte Natural Resources District (CPNRD) Director Ed Kyes of Central City announced his resignation at Thursday’s Board of Directors meeting.

Kyes joined the Board in 2001, filling the seat of Mike Royal. Over the years, he held several leadership roles, including Secretary (2005-2008), Vice Chairman (2009-2012), and Chairman (2013-2016). In addition, he served on multiple committees, including Water Resources, Water Quality, Eastern Projects, Well Variance, Integrated Water Management, Budget, and Executive Committees. He also chaired the Programs Committee.

Chairwoman Deb VanMatre, Doug Reeves, Keith Ostermeier, and Barry Obermiller will serve on the Board Nominating Committee to recommend a successor for Subdistrict 9, which includes parts of eastern Grand Island and all areas of CPNRD east of the Hall-Merrick County line.

Individuals interested in the position can visit or call 308-385-6282 to verify if they reside in Subdistrict 9. This appointment runs through December 2026. Letters of intent will be accepted until March 17, 2025. Submit letters to: CPNRD 215 Kaufman Avenue, Grand Island, NE 68803, or email vogt [at]


South Platte Compact
The Board of Directors approved a Memorandum of Understanding with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regarding the Perkins County Canal (PCC). The agreement outlines plans for distributing South Platte River water, including water diverted by the PCC’s construction, as opportunities arise and are identified by the DNR.

Variance/Appeals Committee
The Board approved the Variance/Appeals Committee's recommendation to approve a landowner’s request in Buffalo County. The transfer is conditionally approved, pending two stipulations:
1. Subdistrict Area 9B must no longer be classified within the 25% Maximum Area of Decline.
2. The transfer must receive approval from the Lower Loup NRD.

Eastern Projects Committee
Staff provided an update on the Platte Valley Industrial Park Project, which is progressing with appraisal updates and land rights.

Water Quality Committee
Jason Moudry, Water Programs Specialist for Lower Loup NRD, presented research on how fertilizer application practices impact soil nitrate levels and water quality to the Water Quality Committee.

New Office/Education Center
The Building Committee and Board reviewed a video providing an update on the construction progress of the NRD’s new office and education center.

Manager’s Report  
Lyndon Vogt, General Manager, provided updates on the following:

- Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA): CPNRD received 276 applications covering 30,967 acres which totals $389,993. Our initial allocation was $76,291. DNR has indicated they will have funds to approve all the applications we have received.

- Cozad Ditch: Korey Gerken was hired as the new ditch rider for Cozad Ditch Canal. Gerken started employment on February 10th.

-South Side Irrigation District and Thirty Mile Irrigation Districts (TMID): TMID is considering a one-year agreement to manage the daily operation of SSID. Shane Max will be transitioning more of his time to assisting TMID and less time assisting the CPNRD.

-Water Programs Conference: CPNRD’s Annual Water Programs Update was well attended with 67 producers participating. We received positive feedback and suggestions for additional information for next year's event.

-Legislative Bill 317:  NRD representatives testified in opposition to LB317, a bill proposing the merger of the Department of Natural Resources with the Department of Environment and Energy, renaming it the Department of Water, Energy and Environment.

Staff Reports 
Tom Backer, Projects Assistant; Bill Hiatt, Resources Conservationist; and Devin Hingst, Natural Resources Technician, presented an overview of their roles and responsibilities to the Board.

Natural Resources Conservation Service Report  
Joe Krolikowski, District Conservationist, and Carrie Thompson, Lexington, provided reports on the status of the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CStP), Conservation Reserve Programs (CRP), and contracts in Dawson County.

Nebraska Association of Resources District (NARD)
Deb VanMatre, CPNRD Representative, reported that several board members and staff attended the NARD Legislative Conference in January. During the conference, NARD voting delegates approved the legislative package, which included recommended positions for the NARD Legislative Committee on various bills.

Nebraska Natural Resources Commission (NNRC)
Doug Reeves, Middle Platte Basin Representative, reported he attended his first Commission meeting since being elected. The Commission will meet on April 9th and plan to tour the Perkins County Canal in the future.

Five applications for sensor-based management of fertigation, center pivot incentive, grazing deferment and well decommissioning were approved through the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation Program and Central Platte NRD cost-share programs for $27,280.60.

Upcoming Board Meetings   
March 27, April 24, May 22 - Central Platte NRD’s Board of Directors meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. at the CPNRD office at 215 Kaufman Ave in Grand Island.

Ed Kyes receives a certificate for serving 25 years on the Board of Directors from CPNRD Chairwoman Deb VanMatre.