Recognizing Excellence While Protecting the Future
Recognizing Excellence While Protecting the Future
Recognizing Excellence While Protecting the Future
The Twin Platte Natural Resources District would like to congratulate Bill Carhart, who was recognized at the Nebraska Habitat Meeting this past weekend in Kearney for receiving the Wildlife Professional of the Year Award.
Bill began his employment with the Twin Platte Natural Resources District in North Platte in September 1990. His current title is Grasslands Stewardship Coordinator, where he works with several programs, including conservation, water, habitat, and invasive species. Bill is also an Information and Education specialist for the District.
Bill coordinates and works with producers on several habitat programs, such as Corners for Wildlife, which provides habitat in the corners of tracts with center pivots to enhance wildlife production, and WILD Nebraska, which creates, maintains, or enhances suitable habitat areas including wetlands for food and cover to sustain desired kinds of upland wildlife.
Bill works with local landowners to develop wildlife habitat for future generations, and he is also protecting a quality of life here in Nebraska.
Bill is married to Joyce and they have a five year old son, Benjamin.