Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District Awards Teachers For Reviving Future Farmers of America Chapter
Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District Awards Teachers For Reviving Future Farmers of America Chapter
9/29/14 - UNWNRD Release
Cogdill and Moore of CHS Receive UNWNRD Conservation Award
A spotlight of well deserved recognition was delivered under the Friday night lights of CHS Homecoming game. After coronation honors, Upper Niobrara White NRD Board representative, David Kadlecek, General Manager, Patrick O’Brien and Robin Foulk of the Natural Resources Conservation Service presented Mari Beth Moore and Jon Cogdill the 2014 Conservation Award for Natural Resources Education for their role in reviving Chadron High’s Future Farmers of America Chapter.
In collaboration with Jerry Mack and Dr. Winchester, Cogdill and Moore have risen to the challenge to bring back the FFA chapter which has been idle for more than 50 years. All involved deserve to be commended for the time commitment and effort necessary to offer additional classes in agriculture and natural resources discipline areas as well as allowing students the opportunity compete in Range Judging, Land Judging, Envirothon and many other events.
Foulk nominated the pair as part of an annual recognition program through UNWNRD to focus on individuals or groups in the District who do exemplary work. Sheri Daniels, UNWNRD Water Resources Manager congratulates Moore, Cogdill and Chadron High, saying “CHS is setting the bar and helping grow the next generation of leaders in Agriculture for Northwest Nebraska!”
Anyone wishing to nominate an individual or group for a Conservation Award is encouraged to contact the Upper Niobrara White NRD at 308.432.6190 for more information or visit www.unwnrd.org.