
NRD News

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NRD News
NRD News
NORFOLK, Nebraska – Protecting northeast Nebraska from flood events is the responsibility of the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD), given to them by the Nebraska Legislature. The LENRD board and staff work continually to study areas where flooding occurs. Areas in the Maple Creek...Read more
HARTINGTON, Nebraska -- The static water level of 34 irrigation wells, from selected locations throughout the Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District (LCNRD), is measured semi-annually. Fall 2020 readings, following a pumping season that was heavier than recent years, show average water levels...Read more
GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska – On Thursday, the Central Platte Natural Resources District’s (CPNRD) Board of Directors approved the proposed new subdistrict boundaries to submit to local county clerks. The CPNRD boundaries reach from the Lincoln-Dawson county line near Gothenburg to Hwy 81 near Columbus...Read more
BRADSHAW, Nebraska -- Gary Eberle has a different relationship with trees on his property than most Nebraska farmers. Far from seeing them as a nuisance on a fence line or useful only in a windbreak, Eberle and his wife, Nancy, have cultivated a modest agroforestry business using trees purchased in...Read more
GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska - Producers in the Central Platte and Upper Big Blue Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) are encouraged to enroll their acres in the new Nebraska Soil Carbon Project. This project provides greater financial incentives to producers who utilize key conservation practices in...Read more
LINCOLN, Nebraska – Water is essential for successful agriculture. While Nebraska has some of the best water resources in the world for farming, experts say the abundance shouldn’t be taken for granted or mismanaged. A new Nebraska Public Media program produced in partnership with the Twin Platte...Read more
LINCOLN, Nebraska – The Lower Platte South NRD’s (LPSNRD) Oak Creek Recreational Trail will be closed during firearm deer hunting season. This year’s season is Nov. 13-21, and warning signs saying the trail is closed are posted at every trail access. LPSNRD’s MoPac East and Homestead recreational...Read more
NORFOLK, Nebraska – The protection of our groundwater is one of the main responsibilities given to Nebraska’s NRDs. The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) board and staff work diligently to come up with ways to develop, manage, and conserve our water now and for future generations...Read more
HARTINGTON, Nebraska -- The Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District (LCNRD) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are offering water nitrate testing for domestic wells only at no charge. To have your water tested, fill a small clean glass jar with the water to be sampled and...Read more
HARTINGTON, Nebraska -- The Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District (LCNRD) provides cost share to seal unused, or abandoned irrigation or domestic wells. If you have a well which is no longer serviceable and need to have it permanently taken out of service, LCNRD can help you protect your...Read more


