Lower Platte South NRD Promotes Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA)
Lower Platte South NRD Promotes Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA)
LINCOLN, Nebraska -- The Lower Platte South NRD (LPSNRD) and the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR) are launching a cost-share program to promote the reduction of nitrogen fertilizer use. Producers must verify a decrease in nitrogen application rates, limited to either 40 pounds per acre or 15% of their baseline rate. Eligible fields must be planted to corn in 2025.
Funding priority is given to:
- Priority A: Fields in designated Wellhead Protection Areas or Phase II/III areas ($15/acre)
- Priority B: Certified irrigated acres outside designated areas ($12/acre)
- Priority C: Dryland crop acres outside designated areas ($10/acre)
Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until Jan. 15, 2025. The LPSNRD will continue to work with producers until the allocated funds are exhausted. To qualify for payments by Jan. 15, 2026, landowners must provide documentation of nitrogen sources, reduction methods, reported yields, and soil test results.
Application Requirements
- Complete the Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act Program Application.
- Provide baseline nitrogen application documentation.
- Submit soil test results; cost-share assistance is available.
- Include U.S. Citizenship and W-9 forms.
For payment, landowners must submit the following by Jan. 15, 2026:
- Nitrogen sources used
- Methods for reduction
- Yield data
- Advanced technology practices and/or product documentation (if applicable)
- Soil and manure sampling results (if applicable)