
Central Platte NRD Approves Updates to Irrigation Rules and Regulations

Central Platte NRD Approves Updates to Irrigation Rules and Regulations


GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska – The Central Platte Natural Resources District (CPNRD) conducted a public hearing on Thursday to discuss proposed updates to the district’s Groundwater Management Plan Rules and Regulations. The CPNRD Board has approved the proposed changes to enhance groundwater management and ensure the long-term sustainability of the district’s water resources. The updated plan will take effect on November 1, 2024. The public hearing and board meeting were held at the CPNRD office, located at 215 Kaufman Avenue in Grand Island.

Key Changes to the Groundwater Management Plan:

  • Phase I: 0 – 7.5 ppm nitrate levels. The area will expand to 1,435,307 acres, an increase of 45,621 acres.
  • Phase II: 7.6 – 10 ppm nitrate levels. The area will shrink to 210,042 acres, a decrease of 212,910 acres.
  • Phase III: 10.1 ppm and above nitrate levels. The area will expand to 491,656 acres, an increase of 171,681 acres.

These updated phase boundaries were determined using water samples collected by NRD staff during each irrigation season and verified by producer data submitted through annual crop reports. Additionally, the following sections of the Rules and Regulations have been updated:

  • Certification of Irrigated Acres
  • Closure of the Management Area to New Well Permits
  • Groundwater Management Areas

Building Committee  The Building Committee met to review construction progress on the NRD’s new office and education center. Rogge General Contractors have started site preparation, including earthwork and construction of an access road from Schauppsville Road; and SPPD started installing electrical poles to the site.

Eastern Projects Committee  The Eastern Projects Committee met to discuss the following:

Alda Crane Deck: A change order was approved, resulting in a deduction of $17,493.86. The total project cost, after the deduction, is $569,183.49. The project includes improvements to the viewing deck, installation of concrete trails, and better access to the fishing pond.
Clear Creek Dam: The committee approved JEO's proposed contract for up to $12,000 to manage the design, survey, permitting, and construction for dam repairs. The dam is located in Polk County and is being repaired as part of the NRD’s effort to improve dams nearing their 50-year lifespan. The bidding process for construction is scheduled between January and February 2025, with construction planned for March to May 2025.
Platte Valley Industrial Park: The committee reviewed and discussed project alternatives and will present a recommendation to the Board at the October Board meeting.

Western Projects Committee  The Western Projects Committee met to discuss and recommend a change regarding the Spring and Buffalo Creeks Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations Plan (WFPO). The Board approved moving forward with the Spring Creek Sub-Watershed Project. The Buffalo Creek portion of the design indicated that there was not a feasible project in that drainage area.

Programs Committee  The Committee recommended, and the Board approved, a maximum limit of $10,000 per application for all NSWCP Cost Share Practices, unless otherwise specified. The committee also discussed the Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA). Established by LB 1368, this state program will provide financial incentives to producers to reduce the use of commercial fertilizers. CPNRD will receive $76,491.79 to distribute to qualified participants in the program. Further details and the application process will be shared once finalized.

Manager’s Report   Lyndon Vogt, General Manager, reported that Thirty Mile Irrigation District Manager Jim Harris gave a tour of the district to his board on September 17th. In 2012, CPNRD partnered with the Thirty Mile Canal Company, contributing $1.9 million to rehabilitate the canal. This partnership includes joint ownership of half the company's water rights as well as half the value of its buildings and equipment. The construction work involved replacing or installing eight bridges, eight check structures, nine drop structures, three pipe roadway crossings, two pipe laterals, four miscellaneous structures, five flow measurement devices, and riprap installation. In 2013, the canal became the Thirty Mile Irrigation District, a political subdivision of the State of Nebraska.

Annual Water Use Report   Jess Mintken, Assistant Manager, presented the 2023 Annual Report of Water Use Activities in the Central Platte NRD. The report is a summary of certified irrigated acres, transfers, well permits and water banking activities that is updated for the Platte Basin Meeting annually. Mintken said at the end of 2023, the NRD had a total of 1,018,290 irrigated acres of which 936,264 acres are groundwater only; 5,238 acres are surface water only and 76,788 acres are co-mingled use. The overall irrigated acres base increased 1,655 acres from 2010 to 2023. He also reported that CPNRD approved 107 transactions of water use transfers, including 792 new irrigated acres and 686 retired groundwater acres. Each transfer resulted in no net increase in stream depletions when computed using the CIR offset calculator developed from COHYST. 

Natural Resources Conservation Service Joe Krolikowski, District Conservationist, provided a summary of FY2024 contracts within the Central Platte NRD for the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Nebraska Soil Carbon Project (RCPP), and the Ogallala Aquifer & Platte River Recovery (RCPP). In total, 123 contracts were issued, amounting to $6,525,455 in obligations, covering 44,954 treated acres.

Jason Scholz, Resource Conservationist, summarized activities from the Grand Island Field Office. Irrigation projects treated 1,774 acres, with a total funding of $621,043.08, resulting in approximately 150 acre-feet of water savings. Additionally, there were seven windbreak planting plans, and over 3,900 acres were enrolled in various conservation programs for diverse conservation activities.

Nebraska Association of Resources District  Deb VanMatre, CPNRD Representative, reported that two resolutions were introduced at the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD) Fall Conference. One resolution addressed the frequency of board meetings, while the other proposed allowing NRDs to make electronic payments.

VanMatre also noted that three CPNRD staff members were honored with service awards at the conference: Tom Backer, Projects Assistant, for 40 years of service; Marcia Lee, Information/Education Specialist, for 25 years; and David Carr, Range Management Specialist, for 20 years.

Cost-Share Five applications were approved for cover crops and well decommissioning for $8,750 through the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation and Central Platte NRD cost-share programs.

Upcoming Board Meetings   November 21, December 19, January 23