
Lower Platte South NRD Cover Crop Program Cost-Sharing has October 1st Deadline

Lower Platte South NRD Cover Crop Program Cost-Sharing has October 1st Deadline


LINCOLN, Nebraska – Crop producers in the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District are again being offered help with establishing cover crops to control erosion and make the soil more productive. Cover crops can provide the added benefit of capturing, recycling, and redistributing nutrients, such as nitrogen, in their fields having a positive impact on ground and surface water resources.

Producers interested in utilizing the program this fall should submit their application before the October 1st deadline. Approval of the application by the district is required before the cover crop is planted. The Cover Crop Program is available for land located in targeted watersheds, in a community water system protection area (wellhead protection area), a Groundwater Management Phase II or III Area and within LPSNRD, or fields where terrace systems are currently being installed in the NRD’s Summer Conservation Program and left idle, and now on land within the entire Salt Creek Watershed upstream of Lincoln. Haying and grazing of the cover crop is not permitted. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offices in Lancaster, Cass, Otoe, Seward, Butler, and Saunders counties can help determine land eligibility and help with completing the application process. 

Producers (tenants or owners) can receive up to $2,500 annually under the program and payment amounts vary, depending on the cover crop mix chosen. Anyone with questions can contact their local NRCS field office or LPSNRD at 402-476-2729.  There is also information at