
Central Platte Natural Resources District Approves a Lower Levy for Fiscal 2016 Budget

Central Platte Natural Resources District Approves a Lower Levy for Fiscal 2016 Budget


(GRAND ISLAND, NE) The Central Platte Natural Resources District's levy is down for the 2016 fiscal budget. The board of directors set the levy on Thursday at the rate of 0.03842; down from last year's rate of 0.04064 due to an overall valuation increase of 12.88% across the District. The property tax request is $6,115,709.64. Homeowners living in a home valued at $100,000 within the District will pay $38.42 in property taxes for water quality and water quantity benefits such as nitrate management, flood control, snagging & clearing of streams, canal rehabilitation; as well as erosion management, recreation, cost share to landowners and other natural resources benefits. Other action:


-Web-Based Reporting Forms- The board approved a proposal from GIS Workshop in the amount of $64,500 to develop a new system for producers to fill out their annual Groundwater Management forms on-line. Upon logging in, each producer will see all fields associated with their User ID and may log in throughout the year to record their water & soil test results and actual yields prior to submitting the form. Producers will benefit by having all past information located in one location. The system will significantly reduce the amount of administrative time it takes the NRD staff to manually enter the 6,000-7,000 forms submitted each year, and will streamline the process of generating letters and reports.

-New Interactive Irrigated Acres Website- Luke Zakrzewski, GIS image analyst, gave a demonstration of the CPNRD's upgraded web-based website located at: The public will now have several search options, have access to drawing tools to create their own proposed transfer maps and print the maps to share with NRD staff. The public and staff sites are linked, so all information is simultaneously updated and reduces the time it takes to complete water transfers and other changes.

-Clean Community System Request- The board approved a funding request from Denise McGovern-Gallagher, executive director of the Grand Island Area Clean Community System, for $5,000 towards a paint can crusher for the facility. 

-Groundwater Exchange- The board discussed a proposed Groundwater Exchange that would give groundwater users the ability to temporarily sell or buy a water use for one growing season. A seller could be anyone with a certified groundwater use such as pivot corners, irregularly-shaped pipe irrigated fields to full sections. A buyer could be anyone looking to improve or add to their currently certified groundwater use or a streamflow user such as the Platte River Program or the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources. 
All information would be anonymous and the CPNRD would not have access to the price the seller enters for his water use or the buyer's bid. The computer program would select best matches based on information entered, such as price and the location of water, and then generate a report for the CPNRD. All exchanges will follow CPNRD's Rules & Regulations. The board tabled a decision until the Sept. 24th board meeting. 

-Proposed Recharge Project- The board approved entering into a proposed recharge project with the Lower Loup NRD, based in Ord, NE. The NRDs will request bid proposals for a feasibility study that would determine the cost and best options to provide recharge, augment water levels during high water periods in the Platte River, improve water quality, and reduce flooding impacts in order to enhance the Wood River and South Loup River systems. 

-Management Phases II/III- The Water Quality Subcommittee discussed potentially moving southern Hall and Hamilton counties into a higher management areas due to increasing nitrate levels. The subcommittee will continue reviewing the situation.

-NRCS Report- James Huntwork, USDA-NRCS district liaison, reported on a new Conservation Client Gateway (CCG). CCG is a secure online portal that lets individual landowners and land managers track their payments, request assistance, sign documents and request conservation assistance anytime, anywhere. It provides users the flexibility to determine when they want to engage with NRCS online and when they prefer in-person conservation planning assistance.

The CCG is currently operational and Nebraska NRCS Field Offices have received training and information for use in providing assistance to customers via the CCG. NRCS staff are in the beginning stages of learning system functionality and integration with other NRCS business tools. Clients who are interested in learning more about CCG should contact their local office or view CCG gateway on the NRCS website at:

-Doniphan Drainage Request- Trent Kleier, Village of Doniphan, presented a drainage issue to the Eastern Projects Committee. The committee will continue discussion at the September 24th meeting.

-Voting Delegate- The board selected Jim Bendfeldt as voting delegate and Jay Richeson as alternate for the upcoming Nebraska Association of Resources District's annual conference to be held September 28-29 in Kearney, NE.

-Excess Flows/Diversions- Duane Woodward, hydrologist, reported that the Dawson County Canals provided a total of 8,000 acre-feet for recharge and returned 1,100 ac-ft back to the Platte River this year. He also reported that of the 24,000 ac-ft signed up for surface water natural flow rights, 17,100 ac-ft will be diverted; providing a total of 18,000 ac-ft of both excess flows and diversions back to the Platte River this year.

-Nebraska Association of Resources Districts Board Report- Jim Bendfeldt, NARD board member, reported that Jeff Fassett had been selected as the new director of the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources. 

-Nebraska Natural Resources Commission Report- Mick Reynolds, Commission board member, reported that the Commission will review final applications for the Water Development Fund following a review by the Department of Natural Resources in early October.

-Board Orientation- Duane Woodward and Jesse Mintken gave presentations on their job duties. Duane Woodward has been invited to present at the International Workshop on Evapotranspiration Mapping for Water Security in Washington D.C. this month.

-Cost Share- The board approved 16 cost share applications by landowners in the amount of $125,809.85 for well decommissioning, center pivot incentives, planned grazing, underground pipeline to a pivot, flow meters, brush management and grassland conservation.