
Lower Platte North NRD: A Simple Act with a Huge Impact

Lower Platte North NRD: A Simple Act with a Huge Impact


WAHOO, Nebraska -- Bottles, cans, and fishing line galore. Plastic grocery bags, and let’s not get started on the amount of food wrappers and cigarette butts. While it may seem minor to some, tossing your trash out the window plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and beauty of the environment.

Not only is the litter hazardous to wildlife and water quality, but it can also be hazardous to people as well. Have you swerved to miss something on the road recently? Have you lifted up a plastic bag at your campsite only to find a portion of the grass missing? Plastic, Styrofoam and aluminum are all detrimental to the health of ponds, lakes and reservoirs.

Picking up litter is a simple yet effective way to contribute to a cleaner, more appealing environment that everyone can enjoy. The Lower Platte North NRD offers trash bins, dumpsters and fishing line recycling receptacles around Czechland Lake, Homestead Lake, and Lake Wanahoo for outdoor enthusiasts to do their part in keeping the recreation areas a beautiful space.

Areas littered with trash can suffer from negative perceptions. Consider carrying a trash bag when you visit a park or recreation area. It’s easy to pick up pieces of litter you encounter along your path and dispose of them properly. Better yet, you’ll enjoy the fresh outdoor air and the physical activity contributing to a boost in your mood and oxygen levels!

Leaving an area better than you found it when you arrived can encourage others to adopt environmentally responsible habits. Picking up litter is a small action with far-reaching benefits. It protects wildlife, reduces pollution, and fosters community pride. By adopting this simple habit, you can contribute to a cleaner, healthier, environment for everyone.