
Lower Platte South NRD Approves (CAP) Application For Weeping Water Creek Bank Stabilization & Realignment Project

Lower Platte South NRD Approves (CAP) Application For Weeping Water Creek Bank Stabilization & Realignment Project


LINCOLN, Nebraska – The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District (LPSNRD) Board of Directors held their monthly board meeting to discuss and consider a number of items including reports from various subcommittees.

During the Urban Subcommittee report, the Board approved the Community Assistance Program (CAP) application for the Weeping Water Creek Stabilization and Realignment Project. The location of the project is located at the western edge of the City Park where there are concerns about the existing stream path and erosion impacting park property. The current channel path has moved to the north over time, impacting an existing tributary and encroaching on park property. In addition to redirecting the channel’s flow to its original location, the design, provided by E&A Consulting Group, INC. will include stabilizing and armoring impacted banks along with repairing existing grade stabilization structures of the north tributary. The application for cost share is for 50% of the design phase of the project, not to exceed $36,125.

The Board also passed the Annual Workplan for the Stormwater Interlocal Agreement between the LPSNRD and the City of Lincoln during the Urban Subcommittee report. The purpose of this work plan is to annually prioritize and budget tasks and projects that meet stormwater management goals of both parties. Projects include design and construction for the Hains Branch Stream Stability Project, the Middle Creek Stream Stability Project, various Upper Salt Creek Stream Stability Projects, the Deadman’s Run Flood Reduction Project along with Salt Creek Floodplain Resiliency. The dollar amount associated with this work plan will cost just over $5 million, with the majority designated to the Dead Man’s Run Flood Reduction Project.

Lastly, during the Land Resources Subcommittee report, the Board approved three applications for terraces as a part of the LPSNRD summer conservation program totaling $63,795. Two applications are in the Eastern area of the district and one in the Western area located within the SVL- Branched Oak Lake targeted area.