Lower Platte South NRD Schedules Coffee Shop Meetings
Lower Platte South NRD Schedules Coffee Shop Meetings
LINCOLN, Nebraska — The Lower Platte South NRD will be hosting a series of informal coffee shop discussions in March. These informal meetings will provide an opportunity for the public to visit with NRD Groundwater staff and to learn about District groundwater programs, groundwater cost-share opportunities, the upcoming Water Quality Management Plan Review, and other related issues.
The primary focus of the discussion will be groundwater, but the public is also encouraged to present any questions they may have about any other NRD activities and programs. District staff will be available to answer questions or provide accurate contacts if needed. There won’t be a formal presentation, just an opportunity for discussion. Coffee and refreshments will be provided. So, drop in anytime at the below dates/locations to learn more about the Lower Platte South NRD!
- Tuesday, March 18th, 9-10:30 – Hallam Town Hall Building
- Wednesday, March 19th, 9-10:30 – Ashland Golf Club
- Tuesday, March 25th, 9-10:30 – Valparaiso Fire Hall
- Thursday, March 27th, 9-10:30 – Weeping Water City Hall Building