Lower Platte South NRD Recaps Board Meeting February 2025
Lower Platte South NRD Recaps Board Meeting February 2025
LINCOLN, Nebraska — The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District (LPSNRD) Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on Feb. 19, 2025.
The Board approved the Scope of Services Agreement with JEO Consulting for the design and engineering of the MoPac East Connector Trail, paving the way for the completion of this long-awaited connection between Lincoln and Omaha. As one of two companies involved in the competitive interview process, JEO Consulting is ready to hit the ground running, building on their pivotal role in last year’s evaluation study. Their previous involvement has strengthened relationships with the local community and leaders, ensuring a smooth and seamless progression of the project.
Additionally, the completion of the MoPac East Connector Trail is crucial for providing a continued transportation route from the Elmwood/Wabash area to the Lied Platte River Trailhead. This trail also contributes to the Great American Rail Trail, a 3,700-mile coast-to-coast route. JEO is expected to complete the design by summer 2025, with the entire project unfolding in distinct phases. Construction of the trail is anticipated to begin in the fall of 2026.
The District remains committed to transparent communication and community involvement with landowners and stakeholders adjacent to the trail route. By prioritizing coordination with those most directly impacted by the project, we can help prevent unforeseen challenges, although key design milestones will be shared with broader audiences at a public open house. JEO and LPSNRD aim to create a safe and efficient trail that will serve generations to come.
In other business, the Board has selected HDR as the preferred consultant to update the Ground Water Management Plan. This update is crucial, as the current plan is now thirty years old and in need of modernization to effectively address today's challenges while utilizing data collected over that period.
LPSNRD understands the vital role clean water plays in public health. Therefore, the District is making a concerted effort to keep the public informed and involved throughout the Ground Water Management Plan update process. This spring, several open houses will be held across the district to give community members the opportunity to share their insights and recommendations with both the District and HDR. Once completed, this Management Plan update will provide the District key tools for managing ground water quality and quantity; ultimately protecting future ground water use and the quality of life for everyone.
For more details on this and other Board meeting action items or programs/cost-share opportunities, please visit the LPSNRD website at www.lpsnrd.org.
As a reminder, the next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. at the LPSNRD building, located at 3125 Portia Street, Lincoln, NE.