
Home of Champion Tree, Lower Loup NRD Encourages Tree Planting

Home of Champion Tree, Lower Loup NRD Encourages Tree Planting


Loup Lines Volume 46, No. 2 (February 2025)
Written by Alan Bartels, Lower Loup NRD Information & Education Coordinator

I received some very good news from the Nebraska Forest Service recently. Several months ago, an eastern cottonwood tree growing in the northern portion of the District was measured by foresters who had learned of the tree’s enormous size. Preliminary communication with these experts indicated that this cottonwood could qualify as the Nebraska Champion Tree for the eastern cottonwood category. Before it could become official, the then reigning champion – a multi-trunked eastern cottonwood tree near Beatrice that had held the title since 2013 – would need to be officially measured again.

The Nebraska Champion Tree Program is administered by the Nebraska Forest Service, founded in the 1970s to identify and then recognize the largest living example of all native and common introduced tree species in the state of Nebraska. More than 80 tree species are listed in the Nebraska Champion Tree Register.

So back to the good news – the eastern cottonwood tree that had been measured at the Lower Loup NRD’s Pibel Lake Recreation Area in Wheeler County is the new Nebraska Champion Tree for that category! And on top of that, the beautiful, barked behemoth towering 85 feet tall and carrying a crown wider than the tree is tall (the crown is 120 feet across), is also the new National Champion Eastern Cottonwood!

How about that – Nebraska’s newest National Champion is also our cherished and beloved Nebraska State Tree.

This time of year is Tree Season at the Lower Loup NRD. Right now, we are processing orders for tree seedlings that will arrive this spring. Landowners can order trees and plant each one themselves, or a crew of experts from the Lower Loup NRD can machine plant thousands of trees per day.

New for 2025, the Lower Loup NRD is also selling coconut mats. The mats are made from shredded coconut husks and are designed to allow water to permeate while keeping weeds and other vegetation from competing with newly planted young tree seedlings. Landowners can easily install the mats by using sod staples which are provided. The mats are all natural and will decompose into the soil after several years. Call the Lower Loup NRD with your tree mat or tree order questions, and visit your local NRCS office or go to to place your order. Dozens of trees and shrub species are available.

I can’t say for sure if any of your seedlings will grow to be a Nebraska or National Champion Tree. But by planting trees, you can be a true champion of Nebraska conservation.