Lower Platte South NRD was a big part of removing Antelope Creek in Lincoln, Nebraska off the Impaired Waters List to better the creek's water quality. All 23 of our NRDs across the state also provide flood damage reduction for their areas if needed. Click the picture for more.
The NRD Conservation Tree Program sells tree seedlings to landowners and can help design and even plant trees on your land. Every NRD offers different options. Check out our trees and shrubs by clicking on the picture.
Please consider donating to the NARD Foundation. Click on this picture to watch a video on what educational youth natural resources programs the foundation helps support and why it's vital to Nebraska's future to continue. Call the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts at 402-471-7670 to donate.
Use our interactive map to find the NRD in your area.
LINCOLN, Nebraska - Notice is hereby given that the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District that was scheduled on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 5:30 p.m., has been postponed and rescheduled for Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. at...Read more
GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska – The Central Platte Natural Resources District (CPNRD) will appoint a new director to represent Subdistrict 9 following the resignation of Ed Kyes, who served on the Board for 25 years. The Board's Nominating Committee will accept letters of interest from qualified...Read more
HAYS, Kansas – Kansas State University (KSU) in collaboration with the Colorado Conservation Tillage Association (CCTA) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Kansas Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) invites all producers from the semi-arid Great Plains region to participate...Read more